The current situation in Gaza is in Red Cross

Gaza War Red Cross: Rafah cannot be evacuated under current circumstances

Gaza war: Evacuation from Rafah not possible under current conditions, Red Cross

The international aid organization Committee of the Red Cross says that aid workers are not aware of the plan to evacuate Palestinians from the southern city of Gaza (Rafah) before a possible Israeli attack. Such a transfer will not be possible in the present circumstances.

The current situation in Gaza is in Red Cross
The current situation in Gaza is in the Red Cross

According to the French news agency AFP, Fabrizio Carboni, regional director for the Middle East of the International Committee of the Red Cross, said on the sidelines of an aid conference in the United Arab Emirates that "there are rumors that the possibility of a major operation in Rafah is increasing."

When we see the magnitude of the destruction (in the middle of Gaza) and in the north, it is not clear to us where to move people to where they can have good shelter and essential services," he added.

He further said that 'so with the information available to us today and where we stand, we do not see this (mass evacuation) as possible.'

On the other hand, Israel is ready to send troops to Rafah in Gaza. Israeli media reported on Wednesday that preparations are underway for the evacuation of Palestinian civilians displaced by the war who have taken refuge in Rafah.

Israel's Hum newspaper cited the Israeli government's decision as saying that the withdrawal from Rafah would be "very soon". Several other Israeli media outlets have published similar reports.

More than 1.5 million of Gaza's population of 2.4 million have taken refuge in Rafah.

The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli military spokesman's office did not immediately comment.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicated that the Israeli military will conduct ground operations in Rafah, southern Gaza, according to the plan.

"No amount of global pressure will stop us from achieving all the war goals," he said during the cabinet meeting. These goals include the elimination of Hamas, the release of all our hostages, and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.

Netanyahu further said, 

"To do all this, we will also conduct an operation in Rafah."

The Israeli government has said it is planning various withdrawal scenarios, including the establishment of tent settlements that would be established with international support.

Citing Egyptian officials who were briefed on the Israeli plan, the American newspaper Wall Street Journal said that the evacuation operation would last two to three weeks and would be carried out in cooperation with the United States and Arab countries. will

But regional director for the Middle East Fabrizio Carboni says the evacuation will be "difficult" to complete in such a short time.

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