What Caused the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

 What Caused the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

war on Gaza explained
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war on Gaza explained

Justice and fairness find for reason and warth, not mythological criteria of political strength and ethical supremacy of the few, in world affairs. The Canon of rational does not subscribe to treacherous ambuscade but focuses on the imperatives of reasoned legitimacy of purpose and the enlightened core principle of justice for all. The United Nations and its organs are dysfunctional, the UNWA has no operating schools are camps to shelter millions of refugees and UN food programs are not allowed in Gaza, where civilians are being starved as weapons of war. The UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutierrez, using Article 99 of the UN Charter for security council meetings, called it an apocalyptic event destroying humanity.

Who Runs Israel

US President Joe Biden and Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu appear to be linked to a false narrative of political power, undermining their own moral vulnerable, and sustainable future. On December 8, the United States veto at the UNSC meeting signals that reality is in the preparation stage. 

The United States and Israel have plunged into a moral and political abyss, and they would find it hard to return to a transition of reason and global harmony. American policies are blended into Israel's actions to subdue the Arab world and destroy the helpless population of Gaza. 

When there is no reason for global deliberation, cruelty, and insanity is empowering the evil acts disidentify against mankind. The tribulation terror, deaths of innocent civilization, and destruction of human culture and civilization are hallmarks of the war in Gaza. 

likely the similar scenes of the cruelty of planned killings of women, children part human, part vulture in policies and practices.  The America veto power at the UNSC signals, the consequences of its barbarity. war on Gaza rather than to hearing to voices of international reasoning. Humanity faces a harrowing situation with multiple crises of human suffering and around 2.3 million abandoned civilians.

What Caused the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza
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War and integral to America and Israel's formative history, all of the WMD are supplied by America, and Israel bombs the Gaza enclave using those, international NGOs and Human Rights Watch allege genocidal act of vengeance against the civilians of Gaza. Virtually inexhaustible bombing states no life, no hospital, and no respectful international humanitarian law or the Genève Conversation as if these are just paper-based dried ink words no longer having any meaning.

What is Benjamin Netanyahu known for?

PM Netanyahu is greedy and keeps only about his own political power. By unleashing violent assumptions of hatred, animosity, and killing of palatines he overwhelms the daily thinking process across many spectrums of Isreal society, a nation, no matter how normal it claims to be, cannot function as a normal being to coexist

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