How do social media platforms generate revenue?
When you are talking to a friend on Facebook Messenger, you might think that it's just me and my friend in this room. Does anyone know what we're talking about? If anyone is attending, what do I have to hide?
Do social media platforms generate revenue? |
Insurance renewal policy period
But the next time you go to renew your insurance policy, you suddenly find that your premium has doubled because what you are saying is being heard somewhere. Baff calls it surveillance capitalism or surveillance capitalism, and in her book Age of Surveillance Capitalism,(The age of surveillance capitalism) she talks about tech companies' surveillance of users and the nexus of capitalism.
What is capitalism in simple words?
In simple words, the simple definition of capitalism is to earn wealth, which is when you earn wealth and reinvest it to gain more wealth. Capitalists now rely on the habits of social media users to get data on their likes and dislikes. are making investments to earn more wealth by knowing human behaviour. For example, if you search for denim jeans, then very soon denim ads will start popping up on your computer screen. This is because The key search data is provided to the company selling the jeans that the consumer is thinking of buying the jeans.
How much money did Google make in 2023?
Tech companies like Google and Facebook earn billions of dollars by selling user data. Google alone is expected to make more than $300 billion in annual profits in 2023, with most of that revenue coming from advertising. It was the company that realized how to make a fortune by understanding human behaviour. By analyzing with the help of data science, they can predict the behavior of users, and what they like and dislike. These projections turned out to be a goldmine for Google and Google used its advertisers to reach customers. Started selling this information which gave rise to capitalism capitalism Now the main purpose of these search engines is to sell their prediction product to their real customers i.e. advertisers.
How does a search engine earn money?
More than that, they have also found out what are the emotions of the user at that moment, what are they thinking, are they angry, are they happy? You search through our search engine and we will also give you a portion of the money we earn from your data batch in the form of vouchers to anyone who has studied Data Solitude. There is no right answer, but everyone agrees on a small part of the right answer: the more educated people are about these things, the less likely they are to be exploited by these companies.