Good News For Public Petrol & Gas Prices Declined

Good News For Public Petrol & Gas Prices Declined

The public relief of the government has reduced the prices of petroleum products, petrol has been reduced by 5 rupees 45 paise, the new price is 288 rupees 49 paise. Liquid petroleum gas is also cheaper today, the cost of LPG has been reduced by Rs 11 86 paise per kg.

Good News For Public Petrol & Gas Prices Declined
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FBR action against non-PTA mobiles

According to Amdan, the SIM cards of those who do not pay income tax will be closed. FBR's big decision regarding non-filers has identified more than 56,000 people. Amdan can file income tax returns All persons are not filing income tax returns These persons are not included in the FBR active tax spare list Their mobile connection can be stopped anytime by PTA till 15th May Request a report of closed connections

Good news for the Pakistani economy

Good news for the Pakistani economy. State Bank has confirmed that Pakistan has received one billion 100 million dollars from the IMF. Serious efforts to achieve an inflation rate have started to decrease Inflation rate is expected to be 20% in Jones Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves have increased from 4.5 to 8 billion dollars Current account deficit GDP travel Uh The IMF statement may be up to 100%

Chief Justice Qazi Fire Isa's remarks
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Chief Justice Qazi Fire Isa's remarks

Decide that the government or any sensitive organization will use no political power. In the sit-in case, I wrote for the first time that Faiz Hameed is behind it, but what did the government do about it? At the time of the Faizabad sit-in, the world did not know. That Pakistan was cunning, and for the first time in history, we were removed from the bench by a court order. Ever since I became the Chief Justice, not a single complaint of interference has been received. Chief Justice Qazi Fire Isa's remarks. The judges of Abad High Court spoke the truth, what happened to them? When a judge speaks the truth, references against him appear. If the government intervenes, what action can be taken against them?

Dialogue of Justice Musrat Hilali

Complaints are coming, there is interference, and I am not ready to give any examples. Tell me what to do, don't the lawyers know which case should be filed tomorrow, which case will not take 15 years, when we become monitoring judges, this is also interference. Tells how much freedom there is, and how long it has been, we will show the conduct, whether it is admission or not, not the history of this court, I am responsible for my time. One should not sit on Justice Musrat Hilali's dialogue Case of interference in Judiciary Lahore High Court has submitted suggestions to the Supreme Court Proposal to ban agency officers' meetings with judges Action against those who record judges' phone calls is in progress should be brought permanently to remedy such incidents

Peshawar High Court suggestions

In the case of interference in the Judiciary, the Lahore High Court has submitted suggestions to the Supreme Court. To remedy such incidents, a permanent cell should be made, and amendments should be made to the code of conduct of judges of the High Court and District Court. The suggestions of the Lahore High Court. The suggestions of the Peshawar High Court also came out. Faizabad dharna case decision should be followed to stop high-ranking judges from intimidation. If a judge is threatened, the concerned Chief Justice should be informed. The affected judge should be informed. Immediate action should be taken on the complaint, if the institution does not cooperate, then it should be looked into by the larger bench and other orders should be issued against the institution, including contempt of court proceedings.

Issuance of Nawaz Sharif Kisan Card

The Punjab Cabinet has approved the issuance of the Nawaz Sharif Kisan Card in principle. I also ordered the strict implementation of the agreement to restore the supply of free medicines for cancer patients. 519 Kanala Razi have been identified in six cities for providing cheap removal duty to the people.

Former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, LNG reference back

NAB withdrew the LNG reference against all the accused including former prime minister Shahid Khar Nabasi. The impeachment court acquitted all the accused including Shahid Khan Abbasi. Judge Nasir Javed Rana of the Misappropriation Court heard the case. NAB is withdrawing the reference against all the accused. Deputy Prosecutor Azm Maqbool's statement in the court.

Brister Gauhar Khan PTI
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Brister Gauhar Khan PTI

The name of Sher Afzal Marwat has been finalized for the Public Accounts Committee. It is the authority of the PTI founder, to which player to feed where. There are no negotiations with any organization or political party. There should be a conversation with Maulana Fazlur Rahman, we and Maulana Fazlur Rahman will get together.

Chief Minister KPI Main Gandapur's media top

They are not begging, they are asking for their rights, I will take money from the federal government in any case. They will not get this money but only GST. If Khyber Pakhtoon is stealing electricity, Pesco officials are involved in it. They are ready to talk with the establishment for the sake of Pakistan. Chief Election Commissioner should stop blackmailing me. No cooperation is being taken for the recovery of the judge. Islam presents the forces that rescued the judge.

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